How Children Come to See the World

We can say many interesting things about children. But their eyes are something special.

The beginnings of sight are magic by itself. These small globes that make it possible to see are the most expressive part of the face. Some even say that you can see the soul through the eyes. And you cannot just look into the eyes of the little ones, but they can look into yours.

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Superbaby and Her Extraordinary Anatomy

The birth of a child is always amazing, and each baby is awesome. But as a parent, when you find yourself with the little one in your arms, you look at him like an alien. Not that you wouldn’t love him, but as The Kelly Family’s song says – “I’m in love with an alien“. He doesn’t look like you’ve imagined. He merely looks like a human being.

And he truly isn’t a man like all the others. Yet.

You can understand how great the miracle through which a being came to life, just by looking closely – at least in some details, if not the whole process. And if you stop for a moment to think at the amazing complexity and harmony which appears almost out of nothing, it gives you shivers.

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